
Sep 25, 20202 min

Did not my heart burn?

And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32 NKJV

In the evening of the day of the Resurrection, two of Jesus’ followers were traveling to a village called Emmaus. While they were walking and “reasoning” (examining, arguing, debating) with themselves over the events of the past few days, Jesus joins them and their conversation. We are told in this passage “their eyes were restrained so that they did not know Him.” It’s almost comical…the very thing they were debating, the Resurrected Christ, is walking and talking with them and they don’t even realize it! And Jesus doesn’t reveal Himself, but enters into their conversation by asking them what they are talking about and why they are sad. They replied, “Are You the only stranger Who doesn’t know?!” Then Jesus, playing along with them, says, “What things?” Love it!

They go on to explain the events of what had happened over the course of the last three days stating “we were hoping” He was the One. Hoping?! Really?! Still, Jesus didn’t correct them but begins to remind them of the Scriptures and what God had said about the coming Messiah. Basically, they got a sermon from the Word by the One Who not only wrote it but fulfilled it!!! And STILL, they didn’t see the One Who was preaching to them!

By the time Jesus finished speaking, they had arrived at their destination and insisted Jesus stay with them since it was so late. He agreed. They sat down to dinner together and when Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, guess what?! Their eyes were opened and they finally knew it was Jesus Who was with them!!! Then He vanished from their sight. THEN they got it! It was Jesus Who had been with them all along in their journey! Jesus Who had spoken straight from the Scriptures to them about all that had happened and why! Jesus. All along. And they didn’t…couldn’t see it!!!

I’m sure you already get my point, but I will state it anyway. How many times has Jesus Himself walked with me as I did my own “reasoning” about my circumstances? Sad and debating, arguing about how Jesus isn’t Who and what I had hoped. How many times has He reminded me of passages of Scripture I’ve needed to hear and know in the various situations in my life and still I didn’t know and trust His presence and His promises in them? I, too, am a “foolish one” and “slow of heart to believe” in all He has said! (Luke 24:25) But, thanks be to God for His persistence in revealing Himself to me! And when my eyes are opened to the truth, I, too, can say, “Did not my heart burn?” as I look back in hindsight and see He was there all along and that He was absolutely everything the Word says He is!!!
