“…to whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” Acts 1:3 NKJV
Like many of you, when COVID-19 hit our country, I truly thought, “No big deal…this will all be over soon…they are blowing things way out of proportion…and in no time at all, life will resume as we once knew it.” Obviously, I was wrong…really wrong! Here we are well into Summer and things are anything but “over” or “back to normal” and there is no end in sight.
When I came to the realization we were in this for the long haul, I began to seek the Lord as to what He might be wanting to do in the lives of “others” and how I might pray for “them.” I began to pray for the lost that they would come to a personal relationship with God through Christ and to pray for those who had wandered away from God that this would be their opportunity to return to Him. I prayed for a new awakening in the church and for revival to break out and impact lives throughout the world. There is certainly nothing wrong with these prayers, nothing at all. Then it hit me! I finally realized God might actually have something to say to ME in these very unprecedented times and circumstances. Hmmm…what a novel idea that there could be something for ME to learn or see or hear from Him! Duh!
In and around Easter of this year, I had been reading passages about the resurrection and the days that followed. That’s when I came across Acts 1:3 and began to pray for myself, “God speak to me the things pertaining to Your Kingdom and the things You have purposed for me in such a time as this.” That was months ago and He’s STILL speaking! It’s not been easy hearing the hard truth of my heart, my disobedience or my lack of focus and priority where He and His Kingdom are concerned but it’s been so necessary in order for me to more fully turn towards God, His Kingdom and what He has purposed for ME in these days of quarantine and social distancing. I’m still praying for those who don’t yet know Jesus and I’m continuing to pray for those who need to return to their relationship and walk with Him again but I’m equally praying for myself. Far be it from me to emerge on the other side of these unparalleled days and remain the same as I was when it all started!
“Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10b)